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الاسم العلمي: سيسوس رومبيفوليا
من النباتات المتسلقه المشهوره بجمالها و روعة أوراقها المسننه ذات اللون الأخضر اللامع. قبل النضج يكون لون الأوراق مائل للأخضر الذهبي و عند إتمام النضج يتحول لون أوراق النبات للون الأخضر الداكن.
- أقصي إرتفاع: 4.6 متر
* قد يختلف المنتج الفعلي عن الصورة المعروضة.
رمز المنتج (SKU) grape-ivy
- ضوء شمس غير مباشر
- منخفض
- ري متوسط
التربة | تربة رملية | |
الإسم العلمي | سيسوس رومبيفوليا | |
دورة النمو | دائم الخضرة | |
النوع | متسلق | |
لون الزهر | أخضر | |
رائحة الزهر | غير معطر | |
سرعة النمو | سريع | |
الموطن | أمريكا اللاتينية ومنطقة البحر الكاريبي |
The red-flowered oleander is a large shrub with medium green foliage. Oleander is a tough mediterranean shrub that thrives where summers are dry and hot.
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من ٢٧٠.٠٠ج.م
Also known as morning-noon-and-night plant, Brunfelsia pauciflora is a charming outdoor plant that attracts the eyes of anyone, Also with a great scent that makes it the perfect plant for your Terrace or Garden.
* Image is for the medium size.
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من ٧٩٥.٠٠ج.م
This sacred tree is considered the most important tree at all for producing honey. This honey has several merits and fragrant smell. This tree is planted for garnish, shade and its sweet fruits.
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بانساتيام أحمر
Purple fountain grass is an attractive warm-season perennial or tender perennial that makes a great addition to sunny borders. Early in the season it forms graceful, upright to arching clumps of slender purple-red and green blades. From midsummer to fall, it produces many long, drooping plumes of soft rose-pink flowers.
ببروميا هانج
Peperomias are popular House Plants due to their attractively patterned leaves and tolerance to low light levels. These generally succulent plants tend to have fleshy leaves and stout stems. They also used as climbers to give a great appearance. The flowers of Peperomia are minute and packed tightly on slender or cone-shaped spikes.
Each Plant comes in a brick red Khorshid hanging pot, For more pots varieties please check our Pots & Planters section.
True aloe is an outstanding ornamental succulent that is cultivated outdoors, and indoors as a potted plant for sunny exposures. This clump forming succulent plant produces rigid upright rosettes of light green, thick, lance-like leaves edged with tiny yellow teeth.
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