من ٣٢٥.٠٠ج.م
الاسم العلمي: بامبو بالم
واحده من أرقي و أجود أنواع النخيل و الأكثرهم شهره لها لون أخضر جذاب و لامع. تضفي مظهر أنيق للمكان.
- أقصي إرتفاع: 3 متر
- أقصي عرض: 1.2 متر
* قد يختلف المنتج الفعلي عن الصورة المعروضة.
رمز المنتج (SKU) bamboo-palm
- ضوء شمس غير مباشر
- منخفض
- ري متوسط
التربة | تربة طميية | |
الإسم العلمي | شامادوريا | |
دورة النمو | دائم الخضرة | |
النوع | نخيل | |
لون الزهر | أصفر | |
رائحة الزهر | غير معطر | |
سرعة النمو | بطئ | |
الموطن | المكسيك ، أمريكا الوسطى |
صبار حي علم
The small, heart-shaped leaves of baby sun rose contrast with its magenta-red, daisy-like flowers. This tender, succulent, creeping evergreen perennial has heart-shaped, bright green leaves which covered in very tiny hairs.
بانساتيام أحمر
Purple fountain grass is an attractive warm-season perennial or tender perennial that makes a great addition to sunny borders. Early in the season it forms graceful, upright to arching clumps of slender purple-red and green blades. From midsummer to fall, it produces many long, drooping plumes of soft rose-pink flowers.
This plant has large, yellow, waxy, multi-petaled flowers. Small bulbous pulpy fruits follow, ripening red. Its fuzzy pads and relatively compact growth make bunny ears pricklypear a popular potted specimen both indoors and out. It also is an excellent garden plant where hardy.
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من ٩٥.٠٠ج.م
There is nothing more satisfying than growing your own apple trees. In spring, Malus Domestica produces fragrant pink, purple flower and gives an amazing landscape view. In the fall it rewards you with edible apple fruit. The fruit varies a lot of colors, texture and flavor.
The red-flowered oleander is a large shrub with medium green foliage. Oleander is a tough mediterranean shrub that thrives where summers are dry and hot.
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من ٢٧٠.٠٠ج.م
Also known as morning-noon-and-night plant, Brunfelsia pauciflora is a charming outdoor plant that attracts the eyes of anyone, Also with a great scent that makes it the perfect plant for your Terrace or Garden.
* Image is for the medium size.
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من ٧٩٥.٠٠ج.م