فيكس مقزم
فيكس مقزم
من ٦٥٠.٠٠ج.م
يتميز نبات الجينسنغ فيكوس بجذوره وسيقانه القوية وأوراقه الخضراء الداكنة الصغيرة.
رمز المنتج (SKU) ginseng-ficus
- ضوء شمس مباشر
- عالي
- ري متوسط
التربة | تربة مخلطة | |
الإسم العلمي | فيكس ريتوسا | |
دورة النمو | دائم الخضرة | |
النوع | شجر مقزم | |
لون الزهر | أخضر | |
رائحة الزهر | غير معطر | |
سرعة النمو | سريع | |
الموطن | ماليزيا ، بورنيو والفلبين. |

من ٩٠.٠٠ج.م
كاريسا ماكروكاربا
An evergreen shrub it has a green foliage, the leaves are thick and glossy, and the plant has Y-shaped spines on the branches. The plant has also nice white flowers that have a nice fragrance especially at night.
من ٩٠.٠٠ج.م
من ٩٠.٠٠ج.م

من ١٩٥.٠٠ج.م
Boxwood has traditional landscape use, just think of old English or French gardens. It has a small evergreen ovate leaves where the venation does show at all. The leaves are about 1cm. The flowers are born in the leaf axis but unnoticeable for the eye.
من ١٩٥.٠٠ج.م
من ١٩٥.٠٠ج.م

ببروميا هانج
Peperomias are popular House Plants due to their attractively patterned leaves and tolerance to low light levels. These generally succulent plants tend to have fleshy leaves and stout stems. They also used as climbers to give a great appearance. The flowers of Peperomia are minute and packed tightly on slender or cone-shaped spikes.
Each Plant comes in a brick red Khorshid hanging pot, For more pots varieties please check our Pots & Planters section.

There is nothing more satisfying than growing your own apple trees. In spring, Malus Domestica produces fragrant pink, purple flower and gives an amazing landscape view. In the fall it rewards you with edible apple fruit. The fruit varies a lot of colors, texture and flavor.

من ٦٠.٠٠ج.م
Pelargonium are usually frangrant, and have showy flowers and folliage. That's why they are highly used in containers and bedding.
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من ٦٠.٠٠ج.م

Conocarpus is a broadleaf evergreen tree that can withstand drought, salt, heat, and high winds. Its brown bark is flaky and attractive. Throughout the year, flushes of greenish-white and purple flowers are produced but are not showy or noticeable.