مجموعة نباتات المكتب - 10 قطع
مجموعة نباتات المكتب - 10 قطع
is your office looking gloomy and dark? well, adding some plants is the perfect solution for you!
our office plant set has one goal in mind, and it is to make your office more cozy. it consists of:
our office plant set has one goal in mind, and it is to make your office more cozy. it consists of:
- dragon tree (pot size: 30cm)
- dieffenbachia tropic snow (pot size: 25cm)
- chinese evergreen (pot size: 20cm)
- baby rubber plant (pot size: 17cm)
- areca palm (pot size: 16cm)
- snake plant (pot size: 16cm)
- monstera adansonii (pot size: 14cm)
- golden pothos (pot size: 14cm)
- spider plant (pot size: 12cm)
- elephant bush (pot size: 14cm)
رمز المنتج (SKU) office-plants-set-10plants
Plant characteristics can be found on the corresponding page for each plant of this set.

With their beautiful waxy red flowers, anthuriums are not just a pretty plant but they are one of the best air purifiers.

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Cascabela thevetia is an evergreen tropical shrub or small tree that bears yellow or orange-yellow, trumpet like flowers and its fruit is deep red/black in color encasing a large seed.
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True aloe is an outstanding ornamental succulent that is cultivated outdoors, and indoors as a potted plant for sunny exposures. This clump forming succulent plant produces rigid upright rosettes of light green, thick, lance-like leaves edged with tiny yellow teeth.
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This sacred tree is considered the most important tree at all for producing honey. This honey has several merits and fragrant smell. This tree is planted for garnish, shade and its sweet fruits.
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من ٤٤٠.٠٠ج.م

A tall palm with bold fan-shaped leaves and a straight solitary trunk. The large, glossy green, evergreen fronds are divided into up to 70 long, dangling, lance-shaped segments, that radiate like the spokes of an umbrella. Thirty-five to sixty fronds are borne atop the trunk on long ascending, horizontal, or drooping stalks (""petioles""), forming a dense, spherical crown.

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It is an evergreen, vining perennial that is not a fern at all, but a member of the lily family. It is a very popular House Plant. It develops small, single, white nodding flowers in summer at the joint between stem and leaf. These mature into berry-like fruits that turn from orange-red to purple-black.
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